
At this beginning of July, I want to take an opportunity to thank all those who read and comment on this blog. It has been a great three years, and I have learned a lot and enjoyed all the interactions resulting from the blog.

No, I am not ending the blog. But I am going to take a needed blog vacation for the summer. As my retirement (coincident with starting this blog) enters its 3rd year,  I have grown progressively busier. Here is a sample of what I will be doing in July:

As Editor-in-Chief, I will be finalizing the Summer issue of God and Nature, with some great content, including nine essays on two focus topics (authors include Gareth Jones, Kevin Arnold, Jim Peterson), two poems, a great photoessay by Tom Oord, and an interview. The goal is to get everything done and published by the middle of the month.

Right after that, my wife and I have committed to doing a week of Vacation Bible School at our church with a class of science experiments for kids. We did it last year, and it was great, but it takes a lot of time and effort to make sure everything works.

And then at the end of the month I am off to Boston for the annual ASA meeting, where I am presenting a paper, moderating two sessions, reporting to the Executive Council, and of course meeting and greeting many friends and colleagues.

August is a bit less intense, and my wife and I will go on a real vacation to Maine and Long Island.

So I will be back here in September, hopefully rested, and with something to say. Meanwhile, may God bless all of you, and may the summer bring you joy and happiness along with whatever else it may bring.

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3 Responses to Vacation

  1. ElectricBlue91 says:

    Sounds like an awesome summer. I’m looking forward to the next God and Nature. Blessings to you and all your upcoming travels. This week, I’m gonna finally mail you my album. Only took me a year to follow through. Good grief.
    Peace of Christ

  2. SheilaDeeth says:

    enjoy your summer. It sounds great.

  3. I should be heading to Maine in August as well. Where will you be?

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